Edge Hill University 2024

Nursing, Ghana Takoradi

People in my family and previous nurses I have worked with have been on overseas nursing placements, and they explained that their placement was one of the best experiences and memories they have ever made, so I was hooked. Also, having the opportunity to experience another culture and healthcare setting appealed to me after having only experienced the NHS in the UK. 

From the initial enquiry on the website to booking my placement, Work the World was amazing. They made a very nerve-wracking process feel like a walk in the park. Everything was organised and planned to ensure I felt safe and comfortable in a new country.  

I spent time in A&E, OBG and Surgical Wards. The differences in the healthcare system were probably the biggest shock for me, and it can take a while to adjust. Ghana is a very laid-back country, and this is very apparent in the hospital. You may be shocked by the lack of urgency for things and procedures to be done, but it’s a different culture, and I was there to observe, not judge. 

The hospitals here are heavily lacking in resources but the staff are incredible at working with what they’ve got. The hardest part for me to adjust to was the infection control protocols and the very little use of pain medication. 

It can mean some things are difficult to witness. However, once you accept that they are out of your control, you’re not there to change things, as it’s their way and their culture. You get to experience some amazing things you don’t see at home. 

Everyone at the house is so friendly, and you feel immediately welcome. The chefs are the best cooks. The food was incredible. If there is something you don’t like or if you have a dietary requirement, they will whip up something suitable for you. 

Most evenings after placement, we would either chill at the house by the swimming pool or explore Takoradi. 

We went to New Circle Market, and went to the local pub. At weekends, we all would go further afield to explore Ghana. We went to Kakum National Park, Cape Coast, enjoyed some cooking lessons, learnt how to surf and went on an incredible safari to Mole National Park. 

There is something for everyone, and it’s really easy to book activities when you are there. It’s also worth visiting a church when you’re there. The team will help you with this. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and so much fun. 

BBQ nights every Thursday are some of my favourite memories, the food is great and dancing with all the in-country team makes you feel like a big family. The team at the house were honestly amazing. 

That said, the house is so big everyone can do their own thing and have their own time. The facilities are great and very comfortable. 

The country and the people are incredible, Ghanaians are so friendly, they make you feel safe and happy. You will feel humbled to be accepted into their community. The people are so happy with everything they have, regardless of how much or how little. 

I will never forget everyone's gratitude and how much it rubs off on you through the weeks. Everyone is so kind-hearted, and it made the trip ten times better!

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